Cra-Z-Art is among a handful of US companies that make toys in the US, including MGA Entertainment’s Little Tikes and ... started coverage on shares of Art’s-Way Manufacturing (NASDAQ:ARTW – Free Report) in a report issued on Tuesday. The firm issued a hold rating on the industrial products company’s stock.
Morningstar Quantitative Ratings for Stocks are generated using an algorithm that compares companies that are not under analyst coverage to peer companies that do receive analyst-driven ratings ...
A Georgia-based manufacturer known for a popular decoupage medium is expanding its foothold in the arts and crafts market.
Cra-Z-Art announced a plan to significantly increase toy manufacturing in the U.S. to combat the cost of tariffs for imported ...
With global trade tensions rising, Cra-Z-Art is seizing the moment to strengthen its American manufacturing presence. This aggressive expansion will allow the company to deliver products faster ...