But what drew her to the bagpipes ... So I might as well be learning and improving. “It’s an extremely difficult instrument, but I love the challenge and the chance to grow and to have ...
As bagpipes ring out across the valley this St. Patrick’s Day, some will pause and admire the haunting sound while others ...
Edition host Andrew Garcia and KERA producer Therese Powell wanted to know more about Irish bagpipes, or Uilleann pipes, so they went to the ...
So how does a maths teacher (who's still working) find the time to learn the bagpipes? Lady MacRae explains that someone once told her that they didn't think she'd be able to master the instrument.
Scottish producer Stuart Smillie of Great Big Story traveled from London to Edinburgh, Scotland to learn how to play the bagpipes in an hour while properly outfitted in a kilt. He first visited ...