Arduino Nano 3.0 (ATmega328). Real Time Clock DS3231RTC. 32x8 LED Dot Matrix Display Module (with MAX7219 chip). LDR sensor.
[Setvir] writes to us with details of his One LED Clock. It’s an Arduino Pro Micro with an RTC module and an LED. That’s all, time is communicated to the world through LED flashes. You might ...
But [Playful Technology] wanted to control the hands with an Arduino directly and, in the process, he shows us how these modules work. If you’ve never studied the inside of these clock modules ...
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I know making a clock sounds a little irrelevant ... we wanted to build a Persistence of Vision Display or POV display with WS2812B LEDs… Arduino Bluetooth Speaker with Reactive NeoPixel LEDs ...
Multifunction clock, composed on the basis of an Atmega 2560 pro MINI and components to drive six displays composed of 29 RGB LEDs 5mm diffused 4 pin Common cathode ...