[Lewin] wrote in to tell us about a high speed library for Arduino Due ... graphic display , are interfaced with an Arduino board via the SPI or I2C bus. The Adafruit_SSD1306 library written ...
Refer below 16X2 LCD and I2C LCD interfacing With Arduino Tutorials- Visit for simillar projects at https://microdigisoft.com Tutorial 1: Arduino LCD Display Tutorial ...
This is an Arduino software I2C Library, you can use the other pin as I2C interface, such D2, D3. But, you should know that this library can only act as Master. And, Wire.available() is not correctly ...
As of this writing, GPIO, WiFi, SPI and I2C ... the Arduino-ESP32 port is brand new, indeed it’s still in progress, there is a lot of work for the community to do in getting it up to speed.