An excessive initial dose of antidepressant medication can cause ... The adage, "start low and go slow" is a prudent guideline for the elderly when the goal is to maximize compliance and minimize ...
Both Julia and Al sought help from their doctors, and each was diagnosed with depression, a disorder that's as common in the elderly as ... Julia chose to try antidepressant medication and asked ...
Doctors often use antidepressants to manage the depression, anxiety and agitation that accompanies a diagnosis of dementia. Now, a new study suggests the use of antidepressants may hasten the ...
Antidepressants are frequently prescribed ... caution and ideally replicated using other real-world data sources." Seniors benefit from strict blood pressure control, study says Elderly people ...
Having no prior experience, many elderly persons are not sure what ... such as disorganized sleep or significant weight loss, an antidepressant is also often required. Since depression is always ...
Doctors often use antidepressants to manage the depression, anxiety and agitation that accompanies a diagnosis of dementia. Now, a new study suggests the use of antidepressants may hasten the ...