“Spring Landscape at Kuerners,” a captivating oil painting by Andrew Wyeth, created circa 1934. Twenty works owned by late Linda Bean go under hammer in New York alongside Rockwell painting valued at ...
It includes paintings and illustrations by Andrew Wyeth, his son Jamie Wyeth and his father, the illustrator N.C. Wyeth. Wyeth paintings have often fetched big prices, including one by N.C. Wyeth ...
It includes paintings and illustrations by Andrew Wyeth, his son Jamie Wyeth and his father, the illustrator N.C. Wyeth. Also part of the auction is Norman Rockwell's 1940 painting, “A Scout is ...
It includes paintings and illustrations by Andrew Wyeth, his son Jamie Wyeth and his father, the illustrator N.C. Wyeth. Also part of the auction is Norman Rockwell’s 1940 painting ...