Here stood India's second world champion, the heir to Viswanathan Anand's legacy, taking his place in chess history as the 18th world champion overall, and the youngest ever. From a boy who once ...
C HESS IS the sort of deep and rewarding game that you can spend an enjoyable lifetime failing to master. But even ardent fans might concede that, as a spectacle, watching two players think for long ...
Chair and Associate Professor of Finance Robert Irons has published a book about one of the most famous chess games in ...
Roula Khalaf, Editor of the FT, selects her favourite stories in this weekly newsletter. Magnus Carlsen has a vision to transform the ancient game of chess. The grandmaster, a contender to be the ...
Chess originated in ancient India. It was once a two-player war game, Chaturanga. It spread to Europe through Persian traders. This is where the major transformations in the game took place.
In his home country of Uganda he works with thousands of disadvantaged children, those with disabilities, and even prisoners, to use chess as a means to provide useful skills for life. He’s even had ...