During the Revolutionary War, American Major John Boulton feigns desertion in order to uncover a British plot to seize the stronghold of West Point.
In fact, the American Indian Wars are the United States' most protracted conflict to date, stretching from 1775, at the beginning of the American Revolution, all the way until 1924.
more American men fell than in all the previous American wars combined. At Cold Harbor, some 7,000 Americans fell in 20 minutes. Men who had never strayed 20 miles from their own front doors now ...
From the Fall 2001 issue of The News Media & The Law, page 8. American newspapers in Revolutionary War time didn’t have war correspondents, but they did cover battles using official reports and ...
Worth, during the Mexican-American War.1855. Library of Congress. In 1844, President James K. Polk ran on a Democratic platform that supported manifest destiny, the idea that Americans were ...