Rising number of foreign pests that could threaten the UK’s biodiversity are also arriving on ornamental plants ...
And that, says Gray, clearly identified the distinctiveness of the new species, which is in fact more closely related to another unusual South American species than the original Splendid Tree Frog. He ...
While a South American tree frog was spotted in a bunch of roses at a florist's shop in Sheffield. Experts said that if live animals are getting past the border, then much smaller and more ...
Science taught me something today. Tree frogs might be the best athletes on the planet, pound for pound. Look. I know that sounds stupid. They can’t windmill a basketball at 40 years old like ...
When he realised it was a tree-frog that must have arrived with the cut roses from Colombia via Ecuador, he was stunned. He said: “Finding a South American tree-frog in a Sheffield florist was ...
The authors also suggest that other frogs with spines in the head region could be studied to identify whether they too are venomous. These include the spiny-headed tree frog (Anotheca spinosa) and ...