The day before your colonoscopy, your doctor will likely recommend you start following a clear-liquid diet. This means ...
In 2025, the ACS estimates that 9,550 kids up to 14 years old and 5,140 adolescents aged 15 to 19 will be diagnosed with ...
A new cooking tour in Sumter is teaching cancer survivors and families how small changes in diet and lifestyle can help ...
Certain foods and habits can impact your chances of getting cancer in your lifetime. Here, we share the latest research as ...
However, there is one popular diet that may increase your risk of acquiring certain types of cancer, new research suggests.
More than 150,000 Americans could get diagnosed with colorectal cancer this year, but lifestyle changes can lower your risk, ...
Managed Healthcare Executive provides C-suite executives at health plans and provider organizations with news, analysis, ...
Organic food can be more costly and less accessible than conventional food. Organic food is thought to reduce your risk of ...
As cancer rates rise in younger adults, Eyewitness News has compiled a list of resources to help assess your risk of cancer ...
A grant from the American Cancer Society will allow researchers to develop a comprehensive picture of the factors that may ...