Landscaping under any tree can be challenging, thanks to the dense shade cast by the branches and the abundance of thick roots in the soil. But black walnut trees (Juglans nigra) seem to be in a ...
contain flat sycamore tree, eastern white pine tree, honey-locust tree, slippery elm pin cherry black locust black walnut american hornbeam black willow shagbark hickory. filled nature icon set.
contain flat sycamore tree, eastern white pine tree, honey-locust tree, slippery elm pin cherry black locust black walnut american hornbeam black willow shagbark hickory. filled nature icon set.
Black walnut grows on the eastern half of the U.S. except the northern border. Black walnut prefers moist well-drained soils, especially along streams and rivers. These trees usually grow scattered in ...
Also known as American black walnut or eastern black walnut ... Under the surface of the bark is a dark, chocolate brown color. Black walnut trees produce nuts, which are ridged and rounded with very ...
However, black walnut trees can have some negative effects on the landscape since they produce a chemical called juglone, warns Andrew St. Clair, a certified arborist and tree risk assessor with ...
Whatever is killing the trees, people who have them in their yards are sad to see them go. Mike Wacker has a roughly 90-year-old black walnut next to his house that is dying. Schecter has told him it ...
One man is facing charges after police say valuable timber was stolen from at least two farms in Robertson County.
Robertson County Sheriff's Office photo A Tennessee man is facing accusations of tree theft after investigators said they discovered he was bringing down decades-old black walnut trees and ...