The tree I’m showing you here is a large American beech. It has been allowed to remain ... and squirrels will call this tree home during winter. Often times when it gets very cold, several ...
A decade after the emergence of beech leaf disease (BLD) in northeast Ohio, a new study by researchers at The Holden ...
We seek it in many areas of our lives, but one thing we should all consider taking our time with is planting a tree. Donna Legare ... her neighbor's American beech leaves – and ended with ...
Brianna Shepherd, research specialist at Holden Forests & Gardens, measures the diameter of an American beech tree as part of a long-term study on the impacts of beech leaf disease. First observed in ...
The tiny green-and-gold invasive species can take down a mature American beech tree in just a few years. A team of entomologists from Acadia University and Natural Resources Canada studied ways to ...