New York University's Langone Health will use Amazon's palm recognition technology for patient check-ins, the health system announced Monday as a major health information technology conference kicked ...
Amazon is one of the major companies to introduce palm biometric payment and the e-commerce giant is now expanding the system ...
E-commerce major Amazon has unveiled a new application for its Amazon One service with its contactless palm recognition system that enables customers to hover their palm over the device to make ...
Have you heard about this One? At least three United States senators have, and they want to know what Amazon plans to do with all the biometric data collected by the Amazon One program. It’s ...
NYU Langone Health patients will be able to check in for appointments using Amazon One, the company's palm-scanning technology. The service will help NYU Langone speed up the sign-in process, reduce ...
New York City-based NYU Langone Health is the first system to install Amazon's palm-spanning technology for patient check-ins. Amazon One's technology combines palm and vein imagery for biometric ...
Patients at NYU Langone Health facilities will soon be able to check in for appointments using Amazon’s palm-scanning ...
NYU Langone Health patients will be able to check in for appointments using Amazon One, the company's palm-scanning technology. The service will help NYU Langone speed up the sign-in process ...