Sun and Moon, the first games to introduce regional variants, only had Alolan forms of Kanto Pokémon. The only categories where they do not have the most Pokémon represented are Mega Evolutions ...
Alolan Raichu is coming to Pokemon Unite soon, and the developer reveals when players will be able to start using the ...
Only 18 Generation 1 Pokemon have Alolan forms, including Raichu, but Pikachu never received one. Alolan forms were inspired by Hawaii's climate in Generation 7 games. Pokemon fans create custom ...
Suicune has always been a prominent Pokemon among fans, but Alolan Raichu is also an interesting ... are available separate of their previous forms, save for many of the Eevee evolutions.
Exeggutor received an Alolan form in Pokemon Sun and Moon that has it become a Grass/Dragon-Type while also undergoing a massive physical change that makes it look more like palm tree. A dedicated ...
After completing seven tasks, the March Research Breakthrough reward Pokémon can be either Alolan Marowak ... also includes the return of Spinda Form 7 and 8, they are as follows: Field research ...
Throughout this Pokémon Go Season, you'll have the chance to earn one of its two forms - Single Strike Style ... earn an encounter with these Pokémon: Alolan Marowak, Mawile, Druddigon, Jangmo ...