Like [Styx producer] Will [Evankovich] and I, we've been writing songs together for you know for 10, 15 years. And when we get one that we like, Will's a lot more organized than I am, but he'll ...
We understand the folks who run the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame have a difficult job. But it’s getting harder and harder to understand the omission of Styx from even being nominated. You could say ...
Styx is known for songs that include "Come Sail Away," "Renegade," "Blue Collar Man" and "Fooling Yourself (The Angry Young Man)." Cronin, as part of REO Speedwagon, helped create hits such as ...
“Promoters and venue people think we all want this tiny dressing ... Roboto,” that have to be in a Styx show. But ordering them and incorporating new songs is something of an art form, Shaw ...