Alfie Darling is a 1975 British comedy drama film directed by Ken Hughes. It is the sequel to the 1966 film Alfie. This time Alan Price takes over Michael Caine's role of Alfie. It based on the ...
Then came "Alfie," a remake of the 1966 film starring Michael Caine. The movie flopped at the box office and was mostly panned by critics. "I was in a really strong position [at that time] because ...
but none can compare to the influence of the world's first Cockney film — 1966's Alfie. Adapted from the 1963 play by Bill Naughton, Alfie starred one of the most acclaimed British actors of all ...
For Alfie, the only real life is sex life ... over-the-shoulder asides to the camera which this movie carries over from Tom Jones (1963). This movie shows how much of the "swinging 60s" quality ...
Alfie Darling is a 1975 British comedy drama film directed by Ken Hughes. It is the sequel to the 1966 film Alfie. This time Alan Price takes over Michael Caine's role of Alfie. It based on the ...