Medically reviewed by Steffini Stalos, DOMedically reviewed by Steffini Stalos, DO The A/G ratio is a blood test that measures the amount of albumin and globulin proteins in your blood.
22, No. 1, Jan., 1918 Studies on the Blood Proteins: III Album... Studies on the Blood Proteins: III Albumin-Globulin Ratio in Antitoxic Immunity This is the metadata section. Skip to content viewer ...
In acute hepatitis the γ-globulin-levels are usually moderately elevated and the serum albumin is normal or only slightly depressed. As the hepatitis subsides the elevated γ-globulins gradually ...
But most serum cortisol is bound to corticosteroid-binding globulin and albumin, and serum free cortisol (which typically is not measured) is the physiologically active component of total cortisol.
Forty-eight patients with multiple myeloma, most of them ambulatory outpatients, at 5 co-operating hospitals,‡ were treated. Patients were entered in the double-blind study by randomized card ...