It's more than just where they're caught. They’re both packed with a rich, buttery taste and loads of nutrition, but there are plenty of differences between Pacific and Atlantic salmon.
Alaska salmon that begin their lives in hatcheries and are released to the sea as fingerlings, return home as adults and ...
Over the last ten years there has been a steady decline in hatchery-reared salmon making their mark on Alaska’s economy.
Some wild Pacific salmon populations are endangered, mainly because of the loss of their fresh water habitat caused by harmful logging practices and hydroelectric dams. Salmon have also been over ...
The Atlantic salmon is sometimes called the “king of fish” for its streamlined and powerful beauty. Members of the species undertake an epic journey to complete their life cycle, migrating from ...
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game is taking strong measures this year to rebuild one of Alaska’s most prized fish species – Chinook, otherwise known as king salmon. Although concerns ...