The division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine specializes in the diagnosis and management of obstetric ... especially those at high-risk based on maternal age, medical status, or prior history Provide ...
Contrary to popular people’s belief that they start ageing later in life, Dr. Aruni Malwatta, a Lifestyle Medicine Physician, broke the misconception that the period of people beginning to age ...
The Zurich (2008) recommendations on the management of concussion in children are restricted to children less than to 10 years of age. It does not include recommendations for children aged 5–10 years.
Applegate, L. M., F. W. McFarlan, and J. L. McKenney. Corporate Information Systems Management: The Challenge of Managing in an Information Age. 5th ed. Homewood, IL ...
Not only them. People in their 30s itself begin to age. Therefore, we should be careful about our bodies, lifestyle, stress management and other things in order to always maintain a happy life”.