The crucifixion of Jesus, who did not possess a gladiator's physique and stamina, did not commence but culminated when he was nailed to the cross. After the brutal, all night scourging by Roman ...
Known as the "place of the skull," Golgotha is said to be the site of Jesus Christ's crucifixion. Purportedly located just ...
potentially proving the fact that Jesus Christ was wrapped in it after his crucifixion. The linen, which is kept in Turin and measures 4.3 metres by 1.1 metres, bears two images, both the front ...
As we head into the end of March, you may be anticipating the arrival of Easter. But it won't be here for several more weeks.
Jesus apparently at some point makes the ... If I could dare to put myself in the mind of those disciples on the day after [the crucifixion], I would think the primary thing in their mind is ...
After Jesus was sent to Pontius Pilate, who was the Roman governor of Judea at the time, Pilate offered the choice of who to condemn to death to the crowd, as was tradition. The crowd chose to ...
Tradition recounts that Longinus, a Roman centurion, pierced the side of Jesus with this very spear during the crucifixion.
There they offered Jesus wine to drink, mixed with gall [a bitter substance]; but after tasting it, he refused to drink it.” “Two rebels were crucified with him, one on his right and one on ...
From the 1200s to the 1700s, the custom of Christian tattooing was prevalent in Europe among peasants, seafarers, soldiers and artisans as much as among nuns and monks. They were getting crosses, ...