According to Reuters, the majority of the research into the benefits of gaming focuses on cozy video games like Animal ...
Several studies show that cozy games like Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley really can be beneficial for mental health and ...
An article in the medical journal Neurology lists specific questions people should ask their neurologist or primary care ...
To help improve the physical and mental health of their workers, more and more businesses are exploring alternative methods ...
Keeping your mind healthy and sharp after the age of 50 is absolutely possible. While it is true that cognitive aging can ...
When it comes to staying healthy, you don’t always need a gym membership or a strict workout plan. Everyday activities can ...
In conclusion, cognitive exercises such as problem-solving games, learning new skills, social interaction, and even physical ...
I know what it’s like to have mental health phases where I feel completely out of control, miserable, and at a loss.
Diverse facilities are designed to help students to combat depression, anxiety, and stress, say university authorities ...