When it comes to concepts from economics useful to startup founders, you can’t go wrong by going to the source by exploring ...
The invisible hand is a concept that was coined by economist Adam Smith to illustrate hidden economic forces. The invisible hand is a metaphor that describes the unseen forces of self-interest ...
The book has enlivened the study of economics for beginning students for more than 40 years. Adam Smith published his Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations in 1776 ...
Given this zeitgeist, a book on the moral philosophy of Adam Smith is timely indeed. While Smith may be the founder of modern economics, he was first and foremost a professor of moral philosophy. Yet ...
One of my long-ago professors–not an economist, and not a political conservative– sometimes said that Adam Smith was just ...
At the very beginning of the industrial revolution, Smith pointed out not only slavery’s vanities and vices, but its economic contradictions. That’s the subject of the November Adam Smith 300 ...
Finish story here; Donald Trump Praises Tariffs: A Look at Adam Smith’s Free Trade Exceptions & U.S. Economic Policy.
What would philosopher and political economist Adam Smith think of Donald Trump’s love of tariffs? What would he make of the Republican president’s approach to taxes and deregulation?
One framework for understanding markets is the invisible hand theory, an idea proposed by economist Adam Smith that illustrates the hidden, self-interested forces behind people's economic choices.