Only results from these two exams affect whether a student may or ... a score of four of higher on either the Calculus AB or Calculus BC Placement examination. It's important to understand that AP ...
A high score on the Calculus AB exam will generally earn a student three to five college credits, depending on a college's policies. AP Calculus BC has the same prerequisites as AP Calculus AB but ...
The ALEKS PPL test pack includes: 1 initial exam attempt, 4 retake attempts, and guided learning preperation between each attempt. The student has taken AP Calculus, and has taken one of either the AB ...
The exams were comprised of multiple choice and ... GPT-4 didn't do so hot on AP Calculus BC scoring between 43rd and 59th, proving that even for a supercomputer, calculus is not easy.
Yes, it is recommended that everyone take the exam. Students who have taken Statistics or Calculus AB or BC exams must submit their test scores by July 1 to potentially place into a higher course.