I developed a VR gallery using Unity, a popular game development platform, to showcase my photography portfolio. The gallery highlights themes such as alpine lakes, homesteads, astrophotography, and ...
Zhou and colleagues seeks to tick all the boxes, with a recent paper (preprint, open access) in Nature Photonics describing their 3D-RAPID system. This system features a 9×6 camera grid ...
Macro photography — the art of taking pictures ... [Nicholas Sherlock] has solved this problem by creating a 3D-printed extension tube for his Canon that preserves connections between camera ...
HTC has declared its Viverse platform will be the YouTube for VR content, but while it doesn't support the Apple Vision Pro at the moment, users could one day turn to Viverse Worlds for new immersive ...
Faculty, grad students from a variety of disciplines attended the event where they were exposed to 3D capture tools and ...
We are researching computational photography for high-resolution 3D imaging under natural light. Here, we exhibit two elemental technologies for capturing 3D video in the future: incoherent *1 ...
If you go back to the 1990s and start reading about "virtual reality," you’ll quickly realize that the term could refer to anything from a full Lawnmower Man simulation system to a 3D model on a ...
A museum in Portland, Oregon highlights the multi-layered path of 3D imagery, from stereoscopes of the American West to blockbuster movies Explore Subscribe Newsletters Content Licensing Our ...
(Virtual Reality headset) A head-worn apparatus that completely covers the eyes for an immersive 3D experience. Also called "VR goggles," VR headsets may be entirely self-contained such as the ...