I recently picked up 3D printing as a hobby. It almost feels unreal to be able to print pretty much any object I want to.
Hackaday, we have a problem. 3D printing is changing the world but it’s still too expensive to be embraced as a truly transformative technology. With each passing year, the 3D printing industry ...
Throughout history, when pioneers set out across uncharted territory to settle in distant lands, they carried with them only ...
Some using the technology to build say it can help with the affordable housing crisis, but it’s not the cure-all it’s sometimes framed as.
A new technique in detector fabrication could change high-energy physics forever. By using additive manufacturing, ...
Charging forward at top speed, a garden snail slimes up 1 millimeter of pavement per second. By this logic, Beckman Institute ...
The Navy is bumping up its use of additive manufacturing to make critical, delay-prone submarine parts, said Christopher Miller, NAVSEA’s executive director.
A University of Rhode Island textiles professor is working with 3D printing technology to create symbols on clothing to help ...