Gorillaz, consisting of four animated members—2-D, Murdoc Niccals, Noodle, and Russel Hobbs—was spawned in 1998 as a commentary on often-lavish pop music acts on programs across MTV.
Gorillaz are Damon Albarn (right), Jamie Hewlett (left) and animated bandmates Murdoc Niccals, Russel Hobbs, Noodle and 2-D A former nightclub that inspired a Gorillaz hit is to be converted into ...
Demon Dayz Festival is a live Gorillaz performance that was held on June 10th 2017 and was sponsored by Red Bull The event was announced on March 6th 2017 and was held at the Dreamland amusement ...
Simultaneously, and with the help of creative director Stephen Gallagher, Hewlett will mix in animations of Gorillaz' alter-egos, Murdoc, Russel, 2D and Noodle. (The characters often give the ...