Small, seemingly simple acts of kindness can have a massive impact. This is true of the real world, as well as the greater ...
During the month of November, the center decided to attempt to complete 100 random acts of kindness, through its ‘Make Kindness a Habit’ project. “They did things like, write a note to ...
And then, Derek had an idea: Why don't we do acts of kindness? Suddenly, Derek recalled a favorite On the Road story about an older man who dons a seasonal red cap and hands out $100 bills to ...
Amid the devastation of Southern California's wildfires, acts of kindness, donations and community support are providing hope ...
Pin your calendar to the wall and add to it, reflecting as you go on the kind acts that have been achieved throughout spring. There are different sets of kindness activity suggestions for ages 5 to 7 ...
Once the driver was cleared, Huerta gave him a $100 gift as part of the agency’s 10th annual “Operation: Random Acts of Kindness.” ERIK GALICIA
[email protected] Madera County Sheriff ...