Spring is the absolute best time of year to ... There are times when you find a bass on bed that simply will not respond to other lures. The bass will come and go or make wide sweeping circles ...
As bass move up to the shallower water as it continues to get warmer, I have a lot of success throwing some type of square ...
Check out the top-producing bass lures used by the best anglers in the ... Flappin’ Hog with a 1-ounce punch weight. With early spring, colder than normal Florida temps, it looks like there ...
The weedless spoon currently ranks among my most productive baits for the pot-bellied largemouths of early spring.
However those old muskie lures usually have wooden bodies and rounder shapes ... As an example, in the Northeast where Thomas fishes, gizzard shad are schooled up in spring and the heaviest bass ...
Bass fishing is probably the most favorite type of fishing for local anglers. Bass are a great target species for eastern Nebraska with small farm ponds.