One of the best management practices that beef producers can utilize is the addition of legumes into their pastures. For example, a stand of 30% clover will provide all the ...
9. Sweet clover (Melilotus) seeds germinate equally well in water and on filter paper at high or low temperatures, but they germinate much more quickly in water at high temperature than on the paper.
Diversity can aid in reducing or diluting the effects of fescue toxicity, improve nutritive value of forage, increase weight ...
Red and/or white clover are well-suited for frost seeding as they exhibit rapid germination, shade tolerance and vigorous root and shoot development in their seedling stages. Their small, smooth seeds ...
Weeds such as wild carrot, cow parsley and celery grow at least 350 seeds on a single flower-head ... long. A 14-leaved red clover and a 14-leaved white clover were both discovered in the US ...