Plan B is a one-dose regimen: You take one pill. The pill contains 1.5 milligrams of levonorgestrel, which is used in lower doses in many birth control pills. Some brand names of emergency ...
Plan B works to prevent pregnancy by delaying ovulation. It doesn’t affect ovulation if it’s already happening. If you’re not sure where you are in your cycle and the morning-after pill is ...
Levonorgestrel pills are specifically packaged as emergency contraception and do not require a prescription. They include Plan B One-Step and Preventeza, as well as the generic levonorgestrel ...
Getty Images/iStockphoto A man staying with family friends raped their 13-year-old daughter, gave her a Plan B pill and threatened to kill her if she told anyone, Florida authorities said.
A Florida man will spend the next 18 years behind bars for raping a 13-year-old girl, whose family he was staying with, and then forcing her to take Plan B, the emergency contraception pill.