Pirate Captain Pickles loved adventure, the sea, gherkins and above all he loved ... where doomed for sure but then Captain Pickles had a great idea and offered the Tribe Leader a large juicy ...
More often than not dill pickles have a dill flower in the jar ... A true dill cucumber is between the size of a gherkin and a small cucumber, but if you can’t get hold of any, you can use ...
Gherkins and cornichons are both types of pickles that you can pick up at the grocery store. But aside from their names, what actually makes them different?
They’re healthy, tasty and unique because they were produced by home-grown Polish bacteria. Here is a panorama of things Poles pickle: from gherkins through fermented-flour soup, all the way to ...
Modern Polish chefs prove you truly can pickle (almost) anything: not just cabbage, gherkins and beetroot which are the most popular vegetables to do so, but also tomatoes, celeriac, radishes and ...