We think of the Arduino as a rapid prototyping tool but we never thought of it as an FTDI breakout board before. [Ihsan Kehribar] wrote a quick post to show how it’s done. You’ll find an FTDI ...
This is a basic breakout board for the FTDI FT232RL USB to serial IC. The pinout of this board matches the FTDI cable to work with official Arduino and cloned Arduino boards. It can also be used for ...
By adding an FTDI breakout at the beginning of the chain, [Scott] can control dozens of Arduinos straight from a terminal [Scott] isn’t using off-the-shelf Arduinos for this project – a few ...
This is a basic breakout board for FTDI's popular USB to UART IC. VCCIO is selectable between VCC and 3.3V with an on-board switch.