As St. Peter in his Epistle (in the Bible) warns us, the ignorant and unstable can distort the Scriptures to their own destruction [2 Peter 3:16; see front panel]. Should good Christian parents ...
The Epistle is the work of just that type of mind ... Americas are said to consult newspaper horoscopes than consult the Bible for light on the day’s decision. Each passing decade now finds ...
The New Testament like the Old Testament has also a threefold division: 1) Historical books (the Gospels and the Acts); 2) Didactic writings (the fourteen Pauline Epistles and the seven Catholic ...
The great epistle to the Galatians gives you more autobiographical data to sink your teeth into than all the others combined.
The Pauline Epistles were supposedly written by the Apostle Paul. The protestant Bible lists them as consecutive books from Romans to Philemon. These letters identify Paul as the author ...