To maintain good oral health, it's important to floss properly, taking into account your tooth shape and flossing frequency.
However, brushing teeth can become an unpleasant and difficult chore if you are dealing with receding gums ... sensitive teeth and gums, and the flossing bristles do an excellent job of reaching ...
I’d seen Doctor Plotka’s Mouthwatchers Flossing Toothbrush ... describes won’t do much for a cleaner mouth, they’re actually firm enough to feel invigorating on my gums.
There are several causes of receding gums as well as treatment options and preventative measures to help manage the condition ... avoiding daily brushing and flossing and regular dentist ...
Flossing daily boosts heart health. It prevents plaque buildup, reducing gum disease risk. Gum disease can lead to heart problems. A study shows good oral hygiene lowers heart disease markers.