Nguyen Thi Ngoc Diem, an Agent Orange victim in southern Vietnam.Credit...Linh Pham for The New York Times Supported by By ...
AGENT ORANGE is one womans personal journey through Vietnam to try to understand the ravages caused by chemicals in the Vietnam War and to come to terms with her husbands premature death Her ...
Hanoi, March 3 (Jiji Press)--A documentary film has been released in Vietnam about the surviving one of the twins who were ...
There are at least 5 bands called Agent Orange, two of which played music of the punk variety. The first Agent Orange Formed in 1978. The band is most well known for the songs "Bloodstains," ...
Hanoi, March 3 (Jiji Press)--A documentary film has been released in Vietnam about the surviving one of the twins who were born conjoined after the United States used Agent Orange in the Vietnam ...
Send tips and suggestions to reporter Alexa Gagosz at [email protected]. PROVIDENCE — Exposure to Agent Orange is known to have caused birth defects and developmental disabilities in babies ...
Nguyễn Việt in 1981 as a result of the use of Agent Orange during the American War in Việt Nam - and now, a documentary about ...
As part of the United States and allied forces war efforts in the jungles of southern Vietnam, the U.S. military developed and used a number of military (tactical) herbicides, one of which was Agent ...
Sarge Lintecum, a Vietnam veteran and Purple Heart recipient, dedicated his life to helping veterans through his music and ...
Two Vietnamese women have filed lawsuits seeking justice for the American use of Agent Orange and atrocities committed by Korean soldiers. The government only endorses one of them. Efforts at ...
Agent Orange is a 50-50 mixture of two ingredients, known as 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T. Herbicides with the same chemical structure slightly modified were available off the shelf, sold commercially in ...
The patient had served as an artilleryman in the Vietnam War and had been exposed to Agent Orange—a herbicide used in the US military for defoliation for 10 years prior to discovery of it causing ...